This week: must-see minis, robots with selfie skills, an ode to classic rom-coms and more.
Movie magic: Cultural critic Wesley Morris explains why we need more rom-coms like the best of ’em in the ’80s and ’90s, for The New York Times Magazine.
New normal: Speaking of the ’90s, this piece on the past and future of ~normcore~ explains the desire to dress like Jerry Seinfeld—via High Snobiety.
Supercharged selfies: While you’re snapping #ootds in your mom jeans and dad sneakers, this robot is taking mirror pics at some of the most beautiful museums in the world. Read all about it at Fast Company.
Cosmetic cleanup: Maybe one day AI will handle this for us, but for now—we should learn the best ways to recycle everything we can. A good place to start is your makeup drawer. Check out these easy tips from Refinery29.
Teeny tiny: Or, you could take a break from makeup and make things—really, really small things. Ellen Evans’s short film about a miniaturist named Kath is big on charm. Check it out at It’s Nice That.
Word: gigil (n.; Filipino): the overwhelming feeling you get when you see something cute. We get it whenever we’re on this Instagram.